Delivery Information
If your order has been successfully delivered and you are satisfied with the item(s), please follow the below steps to confirm delivery:
Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order.
Step 2: Click Confirm Goods Received.
Step 3: Select the product you received and click Confirm Goods Received.
Step 4: Click Confirm and the order will be completed.
Please note:
If you don't confirm delivery, the order will be automatically closed when the Buyer Protection period has ended.
If you haven't received your order or if you're not satisfied with it, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute in 15 days after confirming receipt.
If the order did not arrive within 3/5/7/10 day, please notice that:
- The shipping company will try their best to deliver the order within 3/5/7/10-Day Delivery.
- If the order did not arrive within 3/5/7/10 day, please wait until the Buyer Protection time ends (the remaining protection time is displayed in the form of a countdown clock on My Orders page).
- If you still have not received goods when the Buyer Protection time ends, you will have 15 days to apply for a refund.